Careers Advice in Manchester from professional Career Coaches

Make 2023 the year you receive effective Careers Advice from Professional Careers Advisors at Passion Flower Coaching Manchester: Fulfil your goals TODAY

Phone: 0161 478 6950 to Request a Careers Consultation

Careers Advice leads to Career Success

Evaluate your life and career                                                                                                                                                   

Discover what you value in a Career

Identify your current skills and qualities

Identify transferable skills

Explore new career options

Get clear and effective careers advice

Design a personal marketing plan

Write the perfect CV and covering letter

Plan the winning interview

We provide a quality Service

Are you a recent graduate needing career direction and careers advice?

Have you been made redundant and need guidance?

Do you want to work in a rewarding career?

Do you want a career change?

Do you want a new challenge

Do you need help with your career decision making?

Not Sure Where Your Career is going? In Need of a Career Change? Need Career Guidance?

Professional Careers Advice & Coaching from Angela, BSc (Hons), Diploma & QCG in Careers Guidance, Cert Counselling, Cert Life Coaching

Are you feeling stuck and in need of some career help? Get career help from Passion Flower Coaching Manchester

Sometimes we drift along in a direction that we have not chosen for ourselves.  As a result of this lack of direction we don't feel alive, we are not in control.  Career Coaching with a professional Careers Advisor  will give you career guidance and will help you to get your career back on track.  You will be in the driving seat, driving your career and life in a direction that inspires and motivates you and makes you feel alive.

Develop YOUR Goals Using SMART Model

The Benefits of Career Coaching

Gives you access to your own personal Careers Advisor

Provides you with effective career advice & Career Guidance

Provides you with the tools to realize your full potential

Helps you with important Career Decisions

Moves you out of your comfort zone

Provides you with the skills to develop your self awareness

Gives you self awareness

Gives you self belief so that you can walk the walk and achieve all that you desire

Provides you with the inspiration so that you can consistently work towards improving your life

Feel Inspired! Achieve Success!

Discover unused potential and opportunities in your life

Feel inspired and motivated

Discover what you value in life

Discover what motivates you in life

Create new goals and plan your new preferred life

100% Money back Guarantee

Passion Flower Coaching GUARANTEES you will achieve all of this and more or you get your money back.

Please complete the Form for Your FREE Career Consultation.

Please complete the Form for Your FREE Career Consultation.

Enter a New Career


0161 478 6950