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0161 478 6950


Career Change Coaching in Manchester  for Professionals

Make 2023 the year you receive effective Careers Coaching from  Professional Careers Advisors at Passion Flower Coaching Manchester: Fulfil your Career Goals TODAY

Phone: 0161 478 6950 to Request a Careers Consultation

Professional Careers Advice & Coaching from Angela, BSc (Hons), Diploma & QCG in Careers Guidance, Cert Counselling, Cert Life Coaching

Welcome to Passion Flower Coaching we provide careers advice and career change coaching in Manchester. we also provide expert careers guidance, careers Coaching and Career development support for professionals. We provide a quality service to professionals who want to reach their full potential and live rewarding lives.   

Are you a Professional needing Career Development and career direction?
Have you been made redundant and need careers advice & career guidance?
Do you want to work in a rewarding career?
Do you want to change careers?
Do you want a new challenge?
Do you need help with your career decision making?
Not sure where your career is going?
Need Careers Guidance?
Are you feeling stuck and in need of some help?

Sometimes we drift along in a direction that we have not chosen for ourselves. As a result of this lack of direction we don't feel alive, we are not in control. Career coaching with a professional careers advisor will give you career guidance and will help you to get your career and life back on track.  You will be in the driving seat, driving your career and life in a direction that inspires and motivates you and makes you feel alive.

The Benefits of Career Coaching

Gives you access to your own personal Careers Advisor
Provides you with effective career guidance
Assess career training and development needs
Discover a new career path
Have a clear vision for your future career
Achieve career success.  

100% Money back Guarantee

Passion Flower Coaching GUARANTEES you will achieve all of this and more or you get your money back.

Please complete the Form for Your FREE Career Consultation.